Bezpłatne warsztaty: Real-Time Embedded Systems Programming
17 kwietnia 2023

Drodzy Studenci! 

Serdecznie zachęcamy do wzięcia udziału w cyklu 10 zdalnych warsztatów Real-Time Embedded Systems Programming, które będą prowadzone przez specjlistę z tej dziedziny Profesora Adriana Gliogor z Uniwersytet Medycyny, Farmacji, Nauki i Technologii im. George'a Emila Palade'a w Targu Mures. 

Warsztaty będą odbywały się między 8.05.2023 a 9.06.2023, a dokładne terminarz zostanie ustalony po zakończeniu zapisów. Na zakończenie warsztatów uczestnicy otrzymają certyfikat. 


Liczba miejsc ograniczona.


The course aims to facilitate the assimilation of theoretical and practical knowledge related to the development of real-time applications implemented with embedded systems.
The main targeted specific objectives are:

  • familiarization with the characteristics and architecture of the real-time embedded systems;
  • acquisition of the knowledge necessary in real-time concurent implementations;
  • familiarization with embedded applications development with the aim of real-time operating systems and their API for efficient real-time code development;
  • familiarization with the techniques and tools used in modeling, verification, implementation and testing of real-time applications.

Topics studied include chapters such as:

  1.  Introduction - Definition of real-time embedded systems. Time in real-time systems. Classification of real-time systems and examples. Characteristics of real-time systems. Architectures of real-time systems;
  2. Concepts on real-time software applications development - Concurrent programming paradigm. Multi-process, multi-threaded, implementations based on tasks or coroutines. Basic problems of concurrency and its control
  3. Real-time operating systems. General presentation. Structure of real-time operating systems, architecture and objects. Case study: FreeRTOS.
  4. Concurrency aspects of real-time applications. Synchronization objects - Binary and Generalized Semaphores, Mutual exclusion. Messages based communication and synchronization - Message queues. Monitors - Synchronization of tasks with the help of monitors.
  5. Time control and Scheduling in Real Time Systems.
  6. Basic Software Engineering Concepts and Tools for Embedded Real-Time Software Development.

Practical examples will be implemented and tested using C/C++ language with Arduino (eg. UNO/MEGA) or Raspberry Pi Pico RP 2040 development boards.